If you are a pet dog owner, then looking to make the life of your dog longer, happier, and healthier is going to be a really good thing. They will have more energy to play with you, they’ll live longer, and they can be an active part of the family a little more. But what are the best things to do to help? There are definitely some lifestyle changes that can impact the health of your pet dog. Some of these changes can have an impact on health. So with that in mind, here are some lifestyle changes that you could consider, if you are looking to improve the health of your dog and help them to have a much happier and healthier life.
Replace Fish Oils With Healthier Oils
Fats are important in all of our diets, but never more so than for your dog. They help to provide your dog with energy, as well as helping to form membranes that are needed for all of the cells in your dog’s body. The right kinds of fat also help their body to be able to absorb vital vitamins and minerals, and fats can also help to control hormones. A good way to check if your pet dog is getting all that they need is checking what oils are in their diet. Naturally, you might reach for fish oils, but actually, these can be counterproductive for dogs, as they can lead to inflammation. Phytoplankton could be a good consideration as that can be easily absorbed.
Feed The Gut
We know how important gut health is, but have you thought about it in relation to your pet dog? The bacteria that lives in your dog’s gut helps to form around 80% of the dog’s immune system. These bacteria can produce the vitamins needed for your dog, and can help with digestion, and so on. Some foods can mean little friendly bacteria, or could even damage some of them. Starchy carbs, as an example, help to feed the bacteria that will fight the good bacteria. Antibiotics, having a poor diet, as well as aging, can also impact the gut bacteria. You could look into switching to fresh pet food to help. Just make sure that what you choose isn’t over processed, and then it can help your dog’s gut to replace the friendly bacteria that it needs.
Replace Dewormers With Herbs
For a lot of dog owners, parasites, and things like tapeworms will often mean having a trip to the vet. This can help to get rid of the problem, but many chemical dewormers actually contain some really harmful ingredients that can have pretty dangerous side effects. Typical ones that you might get from a vet like Fenbendazole, can cause vomiting, weight loss, tiredness, and even death in pets. So they are full of ingredients that aren’t good for them, and that can actually lead to some further problems. So where possible, and through consulting with a vet, it can be a good idea to skip the chemicals and choose herbs instead.