The CBD industry continues to advance at a rapid rate. Today, experts state the value of the industry comes in at more than $5 billion, and they expect sales to reach more than $20 billion within the next four years. CBD, or cannabidiol oil, comes from industrial hemp, which is a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa plant, the same plant that produces THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. However, CBD products cannot contain over 0.3 percent THC to be legally sold where marijuana remains illegal.
Once extracted from the plant, men and women use CBD oil for a variety of purposes. Some people choose to infuse products with the oil before offering them for sale. For instance, a person might buy CBD gummies for pain relief, or they might use a CBD oil tincture to relieve glaucoma symptoms. One thing individuals must understand when using these products is what the current law allows and prohibits regarding traveling with these products. Nobody wants to be enjoying CBD treats only to find they are in legal trouble.
The 2018 Farm Bill allows people to carry hemp-extracted CBD oil across state borders. Nevertheless, travelers must take care, as certain states forbid the transfer of CBD oils derived from marijuana across state borders. As a result, travelers must know what they are purchasing and taking with them on their travels so they don’t find themselves in trouble with the law.
Choose Hemp-Derived CBD
The 2018 Farm Bill mentioned above gives individuals the right to cultivate, buy, and use CBD with some restrictions. Under this law, the only CBD oils permitted are those derived from industrial hemp, as they contain less THC than conventional marijuana. The concern lies in the excessive consumption of THC and its adverse psychiatric effects when used for long periods.
Cannabidiol comes from the Cannabis sativa plant but stands as a different compound. It allows users to get medicinal benefits without the euphoric effects. Men and women must ensure they get CBD oils that have only 0.3 percent THC in those states that don’t allow for recreational or medicinal THC use. This ensures people can transport the CBD oils and products across state lines legally. The passage of the Farm Bill changed hemp policy in the United States, although many restrictions remain in place that every user must know before buying CBD oils and products containing this substance.
Marijuana-Derived CBD Remains Illegal
Under current law, the United States government continues to classify anything with over 0.3 percent THC to be marijuana, and the 2018 bill didn’t change the way the government views the transfer and use of marijuana-derived CBD products. They remain illegal to transfer and use in this country. For this reason, consumers must check the THC levels of any products they plan to travel with. This highlights the importance of buying from reputable providers who share independent third-party test results with consumers when asked. Their products are more likely to include what the label states, unlike products created in someone’s garage or basement and those purchased on the black market.
Airline travelers must know what they have in their possession when passing through Transportation Security Administration security checkpoints in airports. Anyone found to have CBD products that contain more than the allowed 0.3 percent THC might find airport security detains them and they miss their flight. Furthermore, airline travelers must research the law and regulations regarding CBD products at their destination to ensure problems don’t arise at any point during the trip.
Legality in Other Locations
The responsibility of determining where CBD is legal and where it continues to be prohibited falls on the travelers. In the United States, men and women find most states have legalized CBD although they have put certain conditions on these products. For instance, California forbids the use of hemp-derived CBD in foods for human or animal consumption. Idaho strictly forbids the possession, sale, or use of CBD oil from marijuana. A person needs to know the laws of their destination when traveling within the country so problems don’t arise. Today, the United States government considered hemp-extracted CBD oil to be a legal substance, but it continues to be illegal in Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
Traveling abroad becomes trickier. Many European countries have legalized CBD oil, including Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, and Switzerland. What makes this even more confusing is Austria forbids the possession of cannabis and CBD oil for sale, while the Netherlands prohibits possession of CBD oil or cannabis for personal use but allows it to be sold in licensed coffee shops for commercial use. Being forbidden to carry CBD oil to certain countries could be detrimental to a traveler, especially ones who use the product to manage their anxiety, chronic pain, depression, or other mental disorders.
Countries continue to reassess their stance on CBD oil and products made from this substance. For this reason, every person must do their own research and know what is legal in those places they plan to travel. Furthermore, a traveler can no longer assume a substance that was at one time legal remains that way today. This research needs to be conducted every time a person plans on traveling to ensure no laws have changed. Fortunately, some men and women find that they can now travel to a preferred country with CBD oil products in their possession without fear of getting into trouble, as more countries are now legalizing the possession of these products.
Imagine spending months planning the perfect vacation only to find you derail it because you didn’t know the law regarding CBD oil. Sadly, this happens to some people, and the money they saved to take the trip is wasted as a result of their detention. Keep this in mind and always do research before embarking on any journey. If questions remain after doing this research, contact the airline or other transportation provider you will be using. They can often be of help in navigating these ever-changing waters, as can travel agents. Keep searching until you have the knowledge to travel safely and within the law. This helps to ensure your trip goes smoothly from start to finish.