With hundreds of popular fashion items just a click away, fast fashion has become a big environmental issue. When we throw away last season’s wardrobe it often ends up in a landfill. Not to mention that the production methods being used for your $3.99 bikini top are often far ...
Be a Mod Momma: 8 Kids Fashion Trends for Your Family’s Wardrobe
The kids clothing industry is currently worth $1 Billion! A trip to any retailer that sells kids clothes will show you how far kids fashion trends have come. New children's clothes are modernized and stylish. Leaving parents wishing there was a version in their size. Here ...
5 Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Makeup For Your Style
Are you thinking about refreshing your makeup style? If so, then you have a lot of different factors and choices to consider. We think it’s fair to say that if you select the right makeup, you can completely alter your look. You might stare at yourself in the mirror and feel like ...
The Most Common Fabrics You’ll See When Wedding Dress Shopping
When you start shopping for your wedding dress, you will be bombarded with questions you will have no idea how to answer. Unless you have been prepping for the day you go wedding shopping for your entire life (or you happen to work in fashion), we completely understand if a lot ...
Looking Your Best With An ‘Outdated’ Wardrobe
Everyone has a sense of the outdated when it comes to the clothes they wear, and that’s because the fashion is changing all the time and it’s practically impossible to keep up. Similarly, half of the trends that come and go on the style front are usually quite silly, and you ...
What To Expect From Your Cosmetic Surgery
Today, plastic surgery is common. Men and women from all over now have access to the best plastic surgeons in the industry. Facial surgical procedures are common, and if done right, you can boost your self-esteem because of the appealing appearance the procedure gives you. If you ...
Eliminating Sagging Skin with Laser Skin Tightening
Loose or sagging skin can be emotionally frustrating! As the years march on, your skin tends to lose its elasticity during the natural part of the aging process. Other factors like genetics, childbirth, extreme or rapid weight loss, physical strains and lifestyle ...
Get Your Personal Style Ready For Fall
Fall is here, and this marks a great time for a change. Whether you’re getting back to class or just saying a fond farewell to the summer heat, there’s no better way to show the world that you are ready for the new season and all it has to offer than changing up your style. ...
Wardrobe Wars: Staying Stylish While Still Being Mom
If you are a busy mom, your wardrobe may look more like a pile of laundry, or as if a bomb has gone off in a discount store than it should. Yes, I know that moms have some very unique requirements on the clothes that they pick, and they are often limited by budgetary restraints, ...
Yes You’re A Mom, But You Can Still Be Stylish
When you become a Mom, you can often feel the pressure to care less about yourself and the way you look. For some reason, caring about the way you look can lead some people to feel as if you put yourself before your children. Which, as well know, is not only a silly accusation to ...