So many people don’t realize that they have an abundance of bad habits. Many people do these things without realizing. You don’t have to be perfect 100% of the time. In fact, attempting to be perfect will likely only put more stress on you in the long run. However, you should be ...
Fitness | Health
Is Moving Your Parent In The Only Option?
When your parent reaches the elderly stage of their life, it can be a challenging time for you. After all, they might need some extra care now they are in their senior years. But while you would love to help, it can limit you when you have your kids to look after. Some people ...
How To Tackle Six Of The Biggest Problems In Life
Unfortunately, things don’t always go as easily for us as we’d like in life. There are a lot of things that can make the roads of our lives a lot more twisting and turning than we’d like - here are some tips on how you can deal with some of them... Bereavement There’s very ...
The Three R’s Of Better Recovery
At some point in your life, you’re most likely going to get yourself injured. Perhaps you slip and fall, perhaps you pull something while exercising, or perhaps you get yourself injured at work. Whatever the case is, it’s a big disruption. One that you can’t abide for long if ...
Could Hidden Chemicals In Your Job Be Causing You Harm?
We use more chemicals today than ever before. Despite growing pressures on health and safety laws, there are still many dangers around us in our day-to-day lives. Your workplace could be home to some of these dangers. Here are just a few chemicals to watch out for. Cleaning ...
Oh Dear, Time For A Trip To The Dentist
It’s that time of year again. Time to take a trip to the dentist with your kids. So, come up with a bribe to get them there, lie to get them in the car and brace yourself for the screams, the sobs, and the temper tantrums. Of course, you might be lucky enough to not have to deal ...
Why You (Yes You) Should Get Back Into Sport
As a mom, and as someone who is no longer attending college, taking part in sport is probably a distant memory for you. Sure, you might watch a lot of sports - maybe you have a team you've followed since you were a kid, and it seems almost obligatory to watch the Superbowl every ...
Make No Bones About It: A Guide On Bone Health
Did you know that at least one in every two women will have broken a bone due to osteoporosis after the age of 50? That is 50% of all women! But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, there are some things that we can do to look after our bone health and stop things like this ...
Watch Out For The Everyday Health Hazards Of Modern Life
There was a time when a simple cold could be deadly. A papercut could get easily infected and mean the amputation of a limb. And even giving birth, which people like to think of as the most beautiful moment in the life of a woman, could be synonymous with death. In short, our ...
Foods That’ll Fill You Up After A Workout, But Won’t Make You Fat
If you’ve ever been hungry - really hungry - you’ll know that when food gets put in front of you, all you want to do is eat, and then eat some more. It might feel good to start out with, but if you’re eating the wrong food, like takeout pizza, then you’ll end up piling on the ...