If you look at the vast majority of exercise advice you’ll find online, it’s all targeted towards people who don’t want to do it. The focus is all on getting your motivation right, finding an exercise that doesn’t bore you or just making yourself do it. All necessary, of course - ...
Fitness | Health
Essential Vitamins Every Woman Needs
As humans, each and every one of us needs the right nutrients and vitamins to survive. However, did you know that age and gender can influence the amount we need these in? There are certain minerals which women can become easily deficient in, or need in greater levels than men. ...
Get The Kids Off The Couch!
Kids these days have more to keep them occupied than any previous generation could have even imagined! They have every conceivable gadget right at their fingertips. Thanks to things like Netflix and YouTube, they're now able to sit and watch shows for hours at a time in a way ...
Stop Demonizing Oil: 4 Unknown Truths
Modern society is moving towards an anti-oil movement, influencing people to use less and less oily elements in their cooking. Too much fat is unhealthy, is the logical claim that leads the oil debate. While this is true, and while you probably shouldn’t consume oil by the ...
Accepting the Struggles of Parenthood
As a mother, it can be a hard thing to do to admit that your child is struggling. Whether it’s an arbitrary decision on your part or something that is noted by professionals, it’s just something that gets our goat; our children are perfect and special, and for anybody to suggest ...
Mobile Stress Management: Top Android Apps for Anxious People
You may see your smartphone and other mobile devices as a source of stress: you have to constantly deal with problems at work and read news from around the world that can leave you feeling hopeless. In fact, you could be forgiven for anytime you feel a little anxious and stressed ...
5 Ways To Avoid Winter Workout Burnout
Winter tends to be the time of year when our fitness resolutions go out of the window. The cold nights and bulky clothing tends to decrease our motivation, while the thought of a summer body and days at the beach seem a long way off into the distant future. Rather than losing all ...
The Natural Guide To A Beautifully Clear Complexion
While the cosmetics industry is doing everything it can to convince us to buy the latest cleanser, there’s got to be an easier, more natural way to beautifully clear skin. A good complexion is a demonstrator of good health, and it shows people that we take care of ourselves. Many ...
How To Run Better, Faster, Stronger
Are you one of the millions of people who enjoy running on a regular basis? If so, you’ll be well aware of the range of benefits you can enjoy from running – it is much easier to maintain a healthy weight; it makes you feel great; and you sleep better with less stress and ...
The Key To Being Awesome? It’s All About Other People
Everybody wants to be popular, cool, part of the in crowd, or we’ll say it - people want to be awesome! However, how you achieve this level of coolness isn’t so clear. Is it in the music you listen to, the clothes you wear, the places you eat and drink, or is it just a hard to ...