Thirteen years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter I gained 30 pounds. Shortly after the birth, I was down to my pre-pregnant size without any strenuous exercise or dieting. The extra pounds just seemed to melt off and I was fitting in my size 3 jeans. Ten years later ...
Fitness | Health
Help End Childhood Obesity And Vote For Break Pal -FREE Premium Account For Voting!
As I'm sure you are aware, childhood obesity is a huge problem in this country. And now with the economic conditions, can you believe Physical Education is being cut in schools across the country. Did you know that because of the childhood obesity epidemic, it is predicted that ...
DO IT OR AGE QUICKLY: 60-Second Practices to Live Better, Stronger, and Longer By JB Berns – Review and Giveaway!
DO IT OR AGE QUICKLY: 60-Second Practices to Live Better, Stronger, and Longer is fitness guru JB Berns new book. The author created a program comprised of 21 simple techniques to keep you looking and feeling younger. Each easy anti-aging recommendation only takes 60 seconds ...
FREE Atkins Starter Kit!
Cookies, fudge, chocolate, and several holiday sweet tooth indulges have added a few pounds that I need to shed. It seems like the pounds are so easily gained, but a pain in the butt to get off! I've never tried the Atkins Diet, but my mother has and actually lost weight in ...
Win a Wii Fit
Here is a great chance to get your kiddos up and off the coach. I purchased my daughter a Wii Fit for her birthday and she loves it. To her, it's a fun way to work towards personal fitness goals and she enjoys trying to keep in step with the games. Wii Fit offers over 40 ...