Being a Mommy is a full-time job in itself, so the idea of possibly having to go out to work while you juggle everything else in your life is an extremely overwhelming thought. But what about when it comes to money? This is what you need in order to provide and have nice things, ...
Money Tips
The Quick Health Check Your Finances Might Need
Do you know how you are currently doing in a financial sense? Ideally, you need to have a firm grasp of your money situation at every stage of your life. Otherwise, how do you know when you need to pull your finger out and work a bit harder to get into a more comfortable ...
The Factors that Can Influence Your Coin Investment
If you’re new to investing in coins then you have a learning curve ahead of you. It helps to understand the factors affecting the value of the coins you’ve already invested in or that you’re considering. First of all, you need to understand that value and price are two different ...
Staying Solvent When Life Throws You A Curveball: The Benefits Of An Emergency Fund
The fact that we never really know what lies around the corner is what makes life exciting, but for many of us, uncertainty breeds anxiety. There’s a lot to be said for living in the moment, but often, it’s also wise to try and plan ahead. You never know when you may encounter ...
5 Minimal Expenses that Could Save Your Sanity
Finances are the cause for most people’s stress, but that doesn’t mean you need to pinch every penny just to be happy. In fact, sometimes spending money on certain products or services is actually what helps you in the long run. Although you certainly want to ensure you’re not ...
6 Common Financial Headaches…And How To Overcome Them
Oh, money. We all wish we had a little bit more of it to call upon. We work hard to keep things floating along nicely, but no matter how hard we try, it can often feel like our finances - or life - are working against us. If these financial headaches are an inevitable part of ...
Finding the Funds: When Emergencies Happen, Do You Know Where to Go to Find the Funds You Need?
Personal investment coaches like to advocate for an emergency fund, the money you set aside to bail you out in the event of a rainy day. Suppose you had a medical emergency, totaled your car or lost your job, you’d ideally run to your emergency fund account as your exit strategy. ...
Emergencies and Finances: 3 Things to Know About Covering Your Unexpected Health Expenses
We all go through life hoping for the best, but disease and accidents can happen to us anytime. People therefore turn to health insurance to cover them against these unfortunate events. Other folks also put alternative ways in place to cover their unexpected health expenses when ...
Finding the Best Baby Shower Gifts for New Moms
Welcoming a baby into the world takes a lot of planning. One way to help expecting parents along the way is by throwing them a baby shower. A baby shower gives those who love the expectant mom to be, time to dote on her, play fun baby games, and of course, give gifts that are ...
Don’t Get Left Out in the Cold: 5 Steps You Should Take to Prevent Furnace Failure
In certain parts of the world, getting ready for winter is a huge thing. Imagine if a household in Russia, Canada, or Scandinavia got caught by surprise and woke up in the cold one day because their furnace failed! Furnaces, like all other household fixtures and systems, need ...