Whether you are looking for local insurance or just a way to get more out of your grocery budget, your family finances are very important. You want to be able to run your household without having to live paycheck to paycheck. The good news is that there are ways for you to ...
Money Tips
Ways To Earn Some Extra Money
There are always times when you need a little extra money. It could be because it’s approaching the holiday season because you’ve had an unexpected bill, or because you’re going on vacation. For whatever reason, your regular funds just aren’t enough, and you need some extra cash ...
Staying On Top Of Your Finances When You Blog For A Career
Blogging is one of those careers where you really can love your job. Unlike careers where you’re chained to your desk, doing things you don’t care about or don’t want to do, blogging gives you a chance to indulge your passions and pursue the things that you’re interested in. When ...
With a Rough Weather Season, There are Risks: Insure Your Home to Plan for the Worst
If you have some pressing business to attend to, you may want to take care of it before September 23, 2017, because according to one Biblical futurist, that’s the day the world will end. Talk about a rough weather season. Christian numerologist David Meade says that the ...
Knowing Your Family’s Rights In Personal Injury Cases Is Important
If you, or a member of your family, have sustained injuries because of the negligence of someone else, you need to understand your legal rights and interests. You need to know what steps you must take to protect those legal interests. The reality is that pursuing a claim for ...
Report Shows Where Millennials Are (and Aren’t) Buying Homes
One of the major stereotypes surrounding millennials is that they don’t want to buy homes. You may agree with the Australian mogul who attributed millennials’ difficulty buying starter homes to $19 avocado toast and $4 coffee. Or you may believe that is an unfair characterization ...
Financial Myths You Should Stop Believing Today
The Internet is a great source of information. However, there is a lot of inaccuracies found online. There are also rumors that have come about because of years and years of hearsay. Believing such myths can be very damaging, especially when it comes to misinformation about ...
Don’t Lose Your Cool: How to Keep your Home Comfortable and Cool
It’s always nice to see the sun come out after the cold of winter but during those summer months and if you happen to live in a warmer climate it can easily get a bit uncomfortable in your home. Here is a look at the various ways you can keep your cool and make sure that ...
4 Tips to Help Your AC Unit Keep Up With the Heat
Nothing feels as delightful as opening your door on a sweltering hot day and being greeted with that blast of refreshing cool air. If your air conditioner is more than a few years old, you may be dreading the day you open the door and don't feel that welcoming blast of cool air. ...
3 Ways To Save Up More Fun Money
Do you wish you had more disposable income? Most people do. The problem is finding a way to save enough money so that you can splurge on occasion. You may have the best intentions, but you still struggle to penny-pinch enough to make a difference. Read on to learn about three ...