Spending time in the great outdoors is superb for looking after your mind, but there’s more to it than this, and whether it’s for exercise or even family camping trips, you can revel in the possibilities that the outside offers. Let’s say you want to introduce the wonders of the ...
3 Fun and Educational Ways to Treat the Kids After Lockdown
While everyone has suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic, the children have suffered more than most. Schools have been closed for a long time and they haven’t been able to see their friends. On top of that, all the fun things that we can usually do with the children while they ...
Camping in Winter? 6 Gadgets to Make it Easier
Camping in winter can be an exhilarating experience, and especially after the year we’ve had! We’re all eager to get out again, in a socially distanced way, and reconnect with the great outdoors. But if your family, like mine, has an aversion to being in the cold for long ...
5 Reasons To Move Abroad
If you are thinking about moving abroad, just go for it! Yes, moving abroad can put you out of your comfort zone, but at the same time it is extremely rewarding and can bring along many benefits from learning a new language, to career opportunities, to making new friends. When ...
5 Tips For a Safe Family Road Trip
Road trips have become more common this year. With the pandemic restricting travel, they’re a vacation option with less hassle and stress. Road trips are a great way to connect with your family, see some glorious sights and have fun. However, it’s important to be aware that ...
5 Underrated Destinations in the US
Most serious travelers regularly head out of the country. But what if you could see incredible sites without pulling out the passport? Believe it or not, there are plenty of excellent destinations in the US. Give them a shot while saving some time and money, and without having ...
How to spend hot days in Los Angeles
Almost everyone loves to enjoy hot weather. There is nothing that can lighten a person’s mood more than opening their curtains or blinds to see the sun shining down through the window. Sunny weather is shown to improve mental health, and vitamin D is essential for people to ...
Keeping the Costs Down on Road Trips
Road trips can be expensive. Of course, going to stay elsewhere can be too, particularly when you need to rent accommodation, but there are ways to cut the costs of the journey itself. This could be useful for those who need to stick with a strict budget, or simply those with ...
3 Things Every Passionate Traveler Needs to Bear in Mind About CBD
The CBD industry continues to advance at a rapid rate. Today, experts state the value of the industry comes in at more than $5 billion, and they expect sales to reach more than $20 billion within the next four years. CBD, or cannabidiol oil, comes from industrial hemp, which is a ...
Safety first! Safety tips to remember when riding your bicycle
Have you recently discovered the joy of cycling? Or are you excited to dust off your old bicycle and inject some movement and fitness into your daily routine? Whatever your circumstances, you can’t deny that cycling is a great way to keep fit, to get around and to have fun! Maybe ...