Do you know how you are currently doing in a financial sense? Ideally, you need to have a firm grasp of your money situation at every stage of your life. Otherwise, how do you know when you need to pull your finger out and work a bit harder to get into a more comfortable ...
5 Minimal Expenses that Could Save Your Sanity
Finances are the cause for most people’s stress, but that doesn’t mean you need to pinch every penny just to be happy. In fact, sometimes spending money on certain products or services is actually what helps you in the long run. Although you certainly want to ensure you’re not ...
6 Common Financial Headaches…And How To Overcome Them
Oh, money. We all wish we had a little bit more of it to call upon. We work hard to keep things floating along nicely, but no matter how hard we try, it can often feel like our finances - or life - are working against us. If these financial headaches are an inevitable part of ...
Finding the Funds: When Emergencies Happen, Do You Know Where to Go to Find the Funds You Need?
Personal investment coaches like to advocate for an emergency fund, the money you set aside to bail you out in the event of a rainy day. Suppose you had a medical emergency, totaled your car or lost your job, you’d ideally run to your emergency fund account as your exit strategy. ...
Emergencies and Finances: 3 Things to Know About Covering Your Unexpected Health Expenses
We all go through life hoping for the best, but disease and accidents can happen to us anytime. People therefore turn to health insurance to cover them against these unfortunate events. Other folks also put alternative ways in place to cover their unexpected health expenses when ...
Why You Have a Bad Credit Rating and What You Can Do About It
A bad credit rating can make financial matters very difficult for you. You may be rejected for a loan, or you may have to pay a much higher rate of interest, which could add up to additional outgoings of thousands of pounds over a number of years. Despite its ...
Credit Horror Stories You Should Be Avoiding
Here, we’re all about how to get yourself in a better financial position. However, by now you should hopefully realize that it’s not all about how much money you have in your bank. There are other factors that affect your financial health, freedom, and independence. One of those ...
How Do I Get You A Loan?
At some point in most people's life there is a need to borrow money. There are lots of ways to do this. For example, you can take out a loan, arrange an overdraft or apply for credit from a store or credit card provider. Before choosing how to borrow you need to know how much and ...
Financial Emergencies & How You Should Deal with Them
Financial emergencies can arise at the most unexpected of times. You don’t need to spend your entire life worrying about them because they might never hit you. However, you should be informed. When you know how to deal with financial emergencies, you will be prepared to deal with ...
Homely Financial Pursuits: Ways To Save Money From Home
It is always stressful trying to find ways to save money especially when you are conserving as many finances as you possibly can already. If you have moved into a new home or if you are saving up for something it's always easy to say that we never have enough money. There's a ...