Having some extra cash to spend on the family is always a positive. It can be easier than you think to make some extra money from the comfort of home that could be used towards your next family vacation or simply as a treat for yourself. Here are some ideas to get you ...
11 Underrated Ways to Get Your Finances Under Control
There are plenty of things that we need in order to be happy and fulfilled in life. Our health, some passions and hobbies, and friends and family all rank highly on the list. And then there’s the matter of your finances. If your finances are in a bit of a mess, then you’ll find ...
How To Choose The Right Savings Account
Thinking of opening a savings account? There are lots of different savers out there on the market to choose from, each with their own perks. Depending on how you plan to use your saver, you could find that a certain account is better suited for your needs. Below are just a few ...
How To Regain Control Over Your Family Finances
Taking good care of your family can often seem like an enormously expensive task, as there isn’t a day that goes by in which you don’t have to spend a single penny. Over time this can creep up to unmanageable levels, as the cost of living is always rising whilst wages stay near ...
Laying the Foundation: 7 Fundamental Skills You’ll Need to Pass the CPA Exam
One of the biggest challenges a candidate faces when taking the CPA exam is being able to switch gears as they move through the various tests. With the multiple-choice section, for example, the candidate needs to be able to eliminate the incorrect answers. On the writing portion, ...
How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) Financially
When it comes to finances, it’s one of those topics that a lot of people struggle with, isn’t it? When you have money, finance is not something that you ever worry about, because you’ve never had to worry about it. But when you don’t have money, your finances are a topic that are ...
What Are Short-Term Business Loans?
Just what are short-term business loans? If you’re asking this question, you’re probably looking to take out a business loan. First thing first, that’s a good move. Whether you’re looking for funds to start a new business, expand an existing one, or settle an emergency, ...
Calling All Moms: Don’t Develop These 5 Bad Financial Habits and Do This Instead
Men and women aren't born with good financial habits. They learn them over time. Actually, a person must be committed to developing good skills but many don't realize this. However, a person might assume they are in control of their finances when they truly aren't. For instance, ...
The Financial Consequences of Getting a Divorce
It can be sad, but often the best decision for everyone involved when spouses part ways. If you find yourself in this boat, you’re far from alone. There’s an oft-repeated anecdotal fact that half of all marriages end in divorce. The good news is that it’s a bit overblown. As Time ...
Two Becomes One: 3 Ways to Prepare for Life After Divorce
Divorce isn’t easy, which is why it is important to prepare yourself for life after it. The process is lengthy, and after being in a bad marriage, suddenly having it all end can be a little shocking to the system. All too often, people lose themselves when they are in a marriage, ...