While money may not buy you happiness, not having enough of it can certainly dampen your happiness. Living paycheck-to-paycheck is a very stressful way to live. Not only are you constantly aware that the loss of your job could mean defaulting on your mortgage or missing a ...
Taking Care of Yourself Now, And in The Future
The future always seems like a long way off, while we all know this time will roll around eventually it can sometimes be hard imagining life in a year from now- let alone decades in the future. For this reason, planning for the future can be particularly difficult, but it doesn't ...
Could Debt Consolidation Be Your Way to Financial Freedom?
Consumer debt reach a record high last year. According to a recent report from the financial sector, American households now collectively owe more than $13 trillion. Many of the families affected by this figure are trying desperately to break the cycle and find at least some ...
How to Furnish A Home on A Budget
Finally managing to buy your own home can be one of the greatest feelings of achievement you’ll experience in your lifetime, but it will also be one of your biggest financial expenses. Once the sale has completed hopefully you will be financially secure, after having saved up for ...
How To Better Manage Your Personal Loan Repayments
Taking on a loan is a great way to secure funding for large purchases, education, travel, starting a business and a host of other things. Having more cash available makes it possible for you to get on with what you want to do, instead of having to wait to save the money over a ...
4 Easy Adjustments you can do to Improve your Finances
According to The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), more than 1.9 million Australians are struggling with accumulated credit card debt. It’s a problem not in Australia alone but in different countries like the US where credit card debts are at all-time ...
Get Money ASAP! 4 Stunning Benefits Payday Loans Can Offer
At some point, it happens to all of us. We get hit with a sudden array of unexpected expenses that happen to fall on the same timetable as the rest of our expected bills. For the majority of us who don't have generous, wealthy parents who we can lean on when such tough times ...
When You Hit The Idea Wall For Your Blogging Business
A blogging business can be set up by anyone. It's very easy to get going, and you’re immediately thrust into the online world where you can meet millions of customers and make fans. To be truly successful in a blogging business, you need something that no one can teach you or ...
5 Steps to Take Before Refinancing and Consolidating Your Student Loan
Many people get to the point where they decide it's time to refinance and consolidate their student loans. However, this isn't a decision you should make lightly. If you're at the point where you think refinancing and consolidating your student is a good step, make sure you ...
When Mini Means Maxi
There’s a certain sense of satisfaction and excitement in taking a big risk to make a big win. But, more often than not, modern stories of successful entrepreneurs and investors describe the moment where they decided to take a big risk, such as Zuckerberg leaving college or, as ...