It's the joy of emotionally healthy mothers to breastfeed their newborns and watch as they get stronger, healthier, and bigger. Sadly, this is not the case for some. While there are women who would prefer the bottle over breastfeeding, some cannot do it because of medical issues. ...
Taking Care Of Your Health Is About More Than Food And Fitness
When we talk about healthy living, what tends to come to mind? Most people are going to think about keeping the body moving and ensuring they eat a healthy balanced diet of whole foods. However, while vital to many different aspects of our wellbeing, this way of thinking about ...
Take Care Of Your Gut, And It Will Take Care Of You
Occasional gastrointestinal symptoms are common in the healthy population. Most of the symptoms correspond to dietary changes that are related to changes in the gut microbiota. Evidence shows that diet has a major impact on the gut microbiota and overall gastrointestinal health. ...
New Tandem Drug Combination Approved for Mesothelioma Treatment
A diagnosis of mesothelioma is difficult to handle. Many people associate this horrible disease with death, and that’s often what happens. It can be hard for people who receive this diagnosis to fully enjoy their remaining day; however, making memories with their family members ...
Four Ways To Help Heal An Injury
Healing from an injury can be a process, whether you’ve taken a fall at work or in the home. It’s important that you get back to your fit and healthy self as soon as possible. When you’re not 100%, it can affect your daily life and the responsibilities you have. Here are four ...
The First Steps of Pain Management
For some types of pain, such as mild headaches, it's easy to drink some water or take a painkiller and carry on. However, there are some types of pain that can't be ignored or easily treated. Chronic pain for persistent health conditions or old injuries often requires a more ...
Feeling Shattered? Coping With the Aftermath of a Break-In
There are things in life that throw us off balance. You may have spent a long time working to stay fit and healthy, only to have a bad day throw you off course. When we feel our privacy has been violated, it can have a significant impact on our emotional health. A break-in is ...
4 Bugs Pet Owners Should Watch Out For
If you share your home with pets, it's important to know what bugs are particularly concerning to your furry friends. Certain pests can bite or latch onto pets, and others can cause your dog or cat to become ill if they are consumed. Watch out for several common bugs in your ...
Dealing With an Unwanted Medical Diagnosis
Hopefully, going through life, you don’t ever receive a serious medical diagnosis that nobody wants. But for some of us, this will be a sad reality and something that often springs upon us without all too much notice. Dealing with your diagnosis can be a hard process, but there ...
Total Gym “Total Mom” Challenge – My Road To Total Fitness!
Thirteen years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter I gained 30 pounds. Shortly after the birth, I was down to my pre-pregnant size without any strenuous exercise or dieting. The extra pounds just seemed to melt off and I was fitting in my size 3 jeans. Ten years later ...