If ever there was a time to spend attention on your mindset and your health, it’s right now. In 2025, we’re at a point in life where we have the flexibility to do what we want with our lives. While there’s a lot going on politically, the freedom that you have to look after your ...
mental health
From Silence to Strength: Talking Through Your Struggles in Therapy
Photo by cottonbro studio Key Takeaways Table of Contents Why Speak Up in Therapy? It's common to feel hesitant about opening up during therapy. However, exploring topics such as what to talk about in therapy can be a transformative step toward healing. ...
Improving Your Mental Health in One Month
Everyone knows that life can be hard from time to time. While there are periods when everything seems to be going our way, there are other times when it can feel like we’re continually pushing a boulder up a hill. And that can really suck the enjoyment out of life. In ...
PTSD: 10 Commonly Asked Questions Answered
image credit Trauma is more common than you think, with huge effects that can last a lifetime. There are a lot of common questions individuals need to ask about PTSD. With a few answers, you’ll be one step closer to getting the right help. 1. What Is PTSD? PTSD is a ...
10 Myths About Depression That Are Proven To Be False
image credit Depression is not only difficult to diagnose, it can be difficult to treat as well. This difficulty mostly comes from the stigma and myths that surround depression, making it hard for people to come forward about their mental health. Here are 10 common myths about ...
Embracing Health: A Guide for Women Nurturing Themselves as They Age
Image by Lucas Pezeta on Pexels As women navigate life's many journeys and transitions, they face unique set of challenges and transitions as they age gracefully. Caring for one's health becomes even more vital during this phase if women hope to maintain fulfilling lives while ...
Life Hacks for Boosting Your Self-Confidence
Do you feel as though you are not quite as confident as you could be? Maybe you want to make a positive change, but you don’t know where to start. Either way, this guide will help you to better your life in no time at all. Surround Yourself with Great People Take a minute ...
9 Things You Can Do To Help Our Society Overcome Mental Health Stigma
image credit Although perceptions and public attitudes have improved in recent years there is still a long way to go before the topic of mental health is no longer a taboo subject. With a variety of mental health treatment options available, the infrastructure for making a ...
Why Eating Outside Can Be Good For Your Mental Health
image credit We have all gotten ourselves into the nasty habit of eating indoors all the time and just because the food is prepared in the kitchen, it doesn’t mean that you can’t pick it up and go outside to enjoy some fresh air. If you decide to go to a nice restaurant to ...
The Physical, Emotional, and Behavioral Signs of Bulimia Nervosa
image credit Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by cycles of binge eating followed by purging. People diagnosed with bulimia have a distorted body image and feel a strong urge to lose weight, leading them to resort to extreme measures that can take a ...