While money may not buy you happiness, not having enough of it can certainly dampen your happiness. Living paycheck-to-paycheck is a very stressful way to live. Not only are you constantly aware that the loss of your job could mean defaulting on your mortgage or missing a ...
money management
Making the Right Moves: 7 Lessons You Can Learn From Those Who Managed to Retire Early
Retiring early is desired by almost every working person, but only the hardworking and smart can achieve it. There are a lot of steps that must be taken to achieve your desired retired lifestyle. Having a plan is key to early retirement. Here are seven lessons you can learn from ...
How To Get The Best For Your Mortgage
Whether you want to get onto the property ladder or want a new home, getting the best service and mortgage price can be overwhelming. Achieve a stress-free mortgage with this guide to getting the best experience from Mortgage brokers to saving techniques we all have. Mortgage ...
Are your Finances At Risk Of Flying Away On Your Next Vacay?
Image by Andrew Stapleton: CC0 License Let’s face it – money is the last thing you want to consider on vacation. You have enough of that stress back home!. When you go away, just for once, you’ll want to enjoy yourself without considering what’s happening at the bank. And yet, ...
8 Ways To Become More Financially Literate During Lockdown
One thing many of us aren't taught is how to be financially literate. They don’t teach this properly in schools, and this usually means we just pick up on the lessons our parents teach us - whether they mean to teach us them or not. For example, if your parents constantly ...
Living The Dream: 4 Investment Tactics That Could Help Fund Your Lifestyle Aspirations
Investing money is one of the best ways to fund a lavish lifestyle. You’ve seen people make it big over the last few years, making millions and millions of dollars on investments they’ve made, meaning they never have to work again and can easily enjoy the finer things that this ...
Protecting Your Finances When Loss Strikes
Naturally, none of us like to spend too much time thinking about what will happen to us when we shuffle off this mortal coil. Many of us will have to address those questions sooner than later, for someone we love who has passed on. If you’re worried about the financial impact of ...
No Need to Panic: Top Tips for Tackling a Tax Problem Head-on
Taxes are something everyone dreads every single year. It’s complicated, there are too many numbers to sort out, and it can be difficult to ensure that you’ve used all the right forms. Instead of burying your head in the sand, there are some tips you can use to stay calm during ...
Smart Moms Grow Money Using Safer Investment Vehicles
Because money is a necessity, making it grow guarantees your family's survival. If your money is growing, you can look forward to the future with greater comfort and hope. As a mother, you want to provide for your family. If possible, you want to ensure they have everything they ...
Loans With Low Credit Scores: 3 Loans You Can Get With Bad Credit
If you need money fast but have bad credit, this is for you. Here is how to get these 3 loans with low credit scores. Credit is often the cornerstone of how we keep up with our lives. It helps us afford houses and cars and push past living paycheck to paycheck. The problem ...