If you are a divorced single mom, you may be wondering about your legal rights. Many rights apply to you in this situation. For example, if the father of your children is not paying child support or providing for their care, you have the right to go to court and request back ...
Six Things You Never Knew About Bankruptcy
Pixabay - CC0 License Nobody wants to declare themselves bankrupt, but it does happen. Mostly, it isn’t actually your fault. Instead, you’re just the victim of some unfortunate circumstances. Perhaps somebody stole from you or maybe your business went under and you just lost ...
Are You Giving Your Money To The Wrong Companies?
Money talks. You can see that on a global scale, sure, where large corporations are capable of influencing policy and acting above the law. But it’s also important to remember that it works on a micro scale too. You can consider your money as a voting slip. You can use it to ...
5 Startup Accounting Tips For 2022
https://unsplash.com/photos/Q59HmzK38eQ There is no more hectic time for a business owner than when they are first starting off. There is so much to think about and consider – it can often seem overwhelming and undeniably daunting, especially when you have so much riding on ...
The Great Resignation: Employee Retention Matters
For business owners, the challenges of the past couple of years have been something out of a disaster movie. But, as always - there have been winners and losers and while the economy is slowly starting to kick-start back into something resembling pre-Covid levels, work from home ...
Smart Ways To Promote Your Small Business
Business success depends on the capacity to acquire new customers and the ability to establish a client base that is loyal to the company. First and foremost, you must ensure that people are aware of your company's existence to attract and retain clients. There are countless ...
Quick Ways to Build Wealth
We all want to ensure that we have enough money, not only to get by but also to enjoy life as much as we can and build security for our family’s future. Unfortunately, that can often be much more difficult than we would like. Of course, it is not impossible, and no matter what ...
How to Make Your Customers Trust You
There are many factors that contribute to the ultimate success or failure of a business. The quality of the goods and services on offer, the price, and the level of marketing all play a big role, for instance. But perhaps the biggest factor is trust. If there’s no trust from the ...
Money Tips That Will Help You Succeed Financially
If you want to live comfortably and not paycheck to paycheck then it may be time to change your financial habits a bit. The good news is that there’s always hope for a brighter future and more security when you’re willing to work hard and focus on a few actions that will help you ...
When To Hire a Tree Expert Witness?
image credit Trees are beautiful additions to any property. They provide many benefits to the property as well as the environment. Unfortunately, improper care of a tree can lead to a tree dying or even falling. This can cause damage and injuries. Fortunately, there are ...